Hawthorne Veterinary Clinic

1431 SE 23rd Ave
Portland, OR 97214



Our Services

We integrate naturopathic and allopathic medicine to provide holistic care for your animal companions. We recognize that your animal companion is a unique and complex, yet interdependent individual, and focus our treatments on maintaining or reestablishing your pet’s energetic balance. When imbalances do occur, we strive to not only address the symptoms but look for the cause(s) as well. Because holistic medicine requires an in-depth understanding of your pet and their environment, we schedule initial appointments for 60 minutes. 

Please let us know if you would like an estimate for any of our services. We adjust our prices several times a year to be able to continue to pay our employees living wages and to cover increasing costs of doing business. 

We also host a low-cost walk-in only Community Clinic one Saturday a month from 10A -2P, where no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please call us or check our social media sites for specific dates and more information.

Our services include:

 Stethoscope iconPhysical Exams & Consults

 Telehealth & Phone Consultations

 Hospice & End-of-Life Care

 House Calls

Pet food icon Nutrition Counseling

Leaf icon Herbal Medicine

Acupuncture needle icon Acupuncture

Laser therapy icon Low Level Laser Therapy

Herbal medicine icon Nutritional Supplements

Medication icon Prescriptions & Online Pharmacy

Microscope icon Routine Diagnostics

 Core Vaccinations

We recommend that you maintain a relationship with a general veterinarian for services that we do not offer, such as surgery, dental care and X-ray imaging.

Ambulance icon Please click here for a listing of EMERGENCY CLINICS in the Portland Metro Area.